The Downderry And Seaton Residents Association, DASRA, is a volunteer, non-political and independent group of local residents who act as a forum for residents on matters that affect the local community. There has been an active residents’ group responding to local needs since the 1970s - at that time the concern was associated with local boat-owners and their use of the beach and slipway. Since then, DASRA has responded to a changing world and at the 2018 AGM a new Governing Constitution was adopted which sets out the current objectives of the Association. DASRA is concerned to represent the interests of residents of Downderry and Seaton, as they affect the overall community.
The Objectives of the Downderry and Seaton Residents Association that determine the work of the Committee is set out in DASRA’s Governing Document.
In summary:
- To ensure that any proposed developments are sustainable, appropriate and in character with Downderry and Seaton
- To play a lead role in safeguarding assets deemed to be of community value, building and managing a Community Fund to address and support local needs
- To encourage and support the social life of Downderry and Seaton residents, working with existing groups as appropriate, and promoting local activities and services available to all.
DASRA seeks to represent the interests of the local people of Downderry and Seaton and encourages the active engagement of all residents. Membership of DASRA is open to residents of the villages of Downderry and Seaton (full or part-time residents).
Support your local community. Make Your Voice Heard
- DaSRA provides a collective voice for residents living in our villages, acts as a focus for consultation and is a body ready to lobby for changes
- DaSRA acts as a representative voice to influence decision-making that affects your, and your neighbours’ homes and quality of local life
- Every household adds to the strength of our voice. The more members, the louder the voice when we are fighting for local causes or campaignng on local issues
Sign-up and be counted. Become a member of DaSRA
- Attend our meetings which are open to all members and residents
- As a paid-up member, you can vote at our AGM; vote in the members of the Management Committee, receive our annual financial report, and vote on future activity and direction for the Committee to act upon.
- The strength of any residents association lies in the involvement of local people in the activities of the organisation. Anyone interested in joining the management committee should contact any current member of the Committee.
- By subscribing to the membership fee - £5 per annum single residents , or £10 per annum for your whole household - you are supporting the running costs of DaSRA, helping it to continue to work for our community.
Be Informed. Know what is going on
- By signing our membership form where we ask if we can send emails to you, we will keep you aware of opportunities or issues that our villages may be facing and what action we propose to take.
- Members will receive regular emails, giving updates and information about local issues.
- DaSRA’s website and our Facebook page - Facebook/downderryandseaton residents association can give an outlet to the views of members
Communication is important in keeping residents aware of local issues. Elected members of the DASRA Committee are keen to keep the local community informed of matters that affect them, working with other organisations active in the area. Regular contact with County and Parish Councillors help ensure that updated information on issues affecting local residents can be passed on speedily and appropriately. Committee members meet, at a minimum, quarterly and an Annual General Meeting is held mid-year to which residents are encouraged to attend.